Bank of Montreal Building Envelope Renewal – 3290 Grandview Hwy.
Work consisted of the replacement of the roofing system, replacement of existing stone cladding with aluminum metal panels, repair of EIFS wall and stucco cladding deficiencies and application of elastomeric coating and sealants.
SFU West Mall Complex – Renewal of Exterior Wall Assemblies.
Work consisted of demolition, installation of densshield, caulking and fluid-applied sheathing, and re-cladding of tile walls
Exterior envelope upgrade of a storied heritage building currently operating as a popular museum
Work consisted of exterior envelope upgrade of the building during the winter season, including removal of the existing roof surfaces and equipment and replacement with a new roof surface and all flashings/gutters/scuppers/vents, bracing of the Cordova Street parapet and provision of a ventilated wood frame back enclosure, restoration and cleaning of the front facade masonry, rehabilitation of wood, steel frame and pressed sheet metal windows on all four elevations, sill rehabilitation of the entry arched window, and exterior painting of windows and metal work
Replaced over 1,000 window sash with new sealed double glazed units throughout the building
Work consisted of construction and installation of 1,000 new wood sash fit with new sealed double glazed units. Crew was trained to perform lead abatement without any safety-related incidents. Located a non-profit organization who used more than sixty percent of the sash in their construction projects thus avoiding the landfill. Devised a method to refurbish 75-year old hardware without using any harmful chemicals and re-used all existing hardware close to original finish.
Phased targeted building envelope repairs in a fully operational elementary school
Work consisted of the removal of the face sealed stucco and EIFS cladding at selected wall and soffit areas and the installation of new stucco cladding onto a drained and vented rain screen cavity, installation of insulation and a vapour barrier at interior walls, re-glazing with new sealed insulating glazing units on all windows, replacement of door weather stripping, replacement of skylights, installation of cement board to protect existing exposed foundation waterproofing
Exterior retrofit and window rehabilitation to a massive detention facility
Work consisted of masonry repointing, window caulking, pressure washing and sealing, painting
Repairs of exterior concrete surfaces
Work consisted of routing and sealing of cracks, application of penetrating sealer, pressure washing and painting of all exposed concrete substrates
Replacement of four (4) heavy-duty doors in a high-traffic, popular tourist destination
Work consisted of demolition, structural upgrades and re-cladding
Building envelope and site improvements to a preschool daycare facility
Work consisted of window repair/replacement, deck repairs, siding and curb installations, roof repairs, cladding
Exterior renovation to two elementary schools and facilities office
Work consisted of window replacement, glazing, sealing, painting, weatherstripping